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SFA article 2

7 steps to prepare your practice for SFAs and Payroll Tax changes

Grow Community
26 September 2024
5 minute read

5 Essential business skills for dental practice owners

Grow Community
15 January 2025
6 minute read

Running a dental practice involves more than just clinical expertise; it requires strong business acumen. Many dentists excel in patient care but may find the business side challenging. Understanding key business skills can transform your dental practice from average to great, enhancing both operational efficiency and patient satisfaction.

Here are five essential business skills every dental practice owner should master:

1. Managing financial matters

Understanding the financial aspects of your practice is important, and includes budgeting, financial forecasting, and keeping an eye on your cash flow. As a practice owner, you should familiarise yourself with basic accounting principles, learn how to read financial statements, and use financial data to make informed decisions about the future of your practice.

2. Marketing and patient engagement

Marketing is essential for attracting and retaining patients. Your dental practice will need to develop a marketing strategy that effectively communicates the value of your services. Digital marketing is an important strategy to consider, to help your practice maintain a strong online presence through a well-designed website and active social media channels. The way your team engages and communicates with patients plays an important role in retention – a happy patient can be your practice’s loudest advocate!

3. Staff management

How you manage your staff is key to running a successful practice. This involves recruiting skilled staff, conducting training, and implementing a performance management system. Positive leadership sets the scene for a thriving work environment, while also motivating your team to contribute towards the overall growth of the practice. As a practice owner you should understand the relevant employment laws and best practices, such as Service Facility Agreements (SFAs) and payroll tax changes, or engage with the correct legal experts for guidance. Managing your team in a positive, fair and effective way, could help ensuring you retain your top performing staff.

4. Strategic planning

As a practice owner you should have a strategic plan in place, setting long-term goals and mapping out the actions needed to achieve them. For dental practices, this could mean expanding services, upgrading technology, or renovating office space. Good strategic planning helps practice owners anticipate changes in the market and adapt their business model accordingly for long-term success.

5. Finding the right technology

Choosing the right technology will streamline daily operations and enhancing patient care in your dental practice. Focus on solutions that integrate with or complement your current systems. This includes patient management systems for efficient scheduling and records, advanced diagnostic tools and systems supporting day-to-day task, inventory management and more. Stay informed about new technologies by engaging with industry forums and conferences to ensure your practice remains at the forefront of dental care.

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